This week’s Torah portion, Mishpatim, can feel like a bit of a letdown following the sacred drama at Mount Sinai recorded for posterity in Parashat Yitro. At the conclusion of last week’s parasha, Israel is given immortality with its designation…
Yitro – Chosen? For What?
In the classic Broadway musical “Fiddler On the Roof” the main character Tevye the dairyman ironically quips while entreating G-d, “I know, I know. We are Your chosen people. But, once in a while, can’t You choose someone else?” In…
B’shalach – Stuck In the Middle With You
There’s something fascinating about the structure of this week’s parasha. The third word in this portion, B’shalach, is “Pharaoh,” and the third-to-last word is “Amalek.” Pharaoh represents oppression—he enslaved Israel, killed its firstborn, and attempted to destroy the people entirely.…
Bo – Reading Renewal Forward
Let’s talk about renewal. There’s something powerful about starting fresh—about moving forward, not just physically, but spiritually. It’s about embracing change and becoming more of who we’re meant to be as Israel, the people of the God of Israel. To…
Va’eira – Accepting Our Heritage
It has been said that the life of Moses can be seen as three distinct movements, forty years each. First Moses spends the first forty years thinking he is somebody. He has fallen by providence into the royal court of…
Shemot – What’s to Know?
Listen to an audio version What is in a name? This is an apropos question since this week’s parsha begins with lots of names. In fact it is called Names or Shemot in Hebrew. It begins v’aleh shemot b’nei yisrael…